In2Action includes three phases that residents progress through, over time. Upon arrival at in2Action, all residents are placed on Phase 1. This phase provides the most amount of structure and accountability, to help them stay on track as they transition back into the community. It also fosters the development of close relationships with others in the program, especially their peers on Phase 1. When the residents complete the necessary requirements, they then move up to Phase 2. On this phase they have more freedom. For example, they are allowed to work a full-time job and to have a later curfew. As a result, they spend more time away from the house, and less time with other residents. An unfortunate consequence of this is that they tend to lose touch with each other.

In an effort to maintain those key relationships – (and as you know, we are all about relationships at in2Action!) – we have begun providing the Phase 2 gents with a dinner together once a week, which I host in my apartment, here on the in2Action grounds. We have one dinner on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Our times of fellowship start at 5-ish and continue until either the food is gone or the conversation is over, at least by 8 pm. The food is simple…soup, casseroles, breakfast, etc. The staff and volunteers are also invited. We have even had a pastor or two drop by.

These dinners have been a real success. The gents seem to enjoy just sitting, eating and chatting. Since they have the option of attending two different evenings, based on what works best with their schedules, we tend to have a different mix of men show up each time. So far there has been great participation. We even invite the Phase III gents, as well as the program graduates who live in the on-campus apartments. So far, we have had enough food and even enough seats – at times it gets quite crowded and cozy!

We believe healthy relationships benefit us more than we realize. These weekly dinners are a way of keeping those friendships going. It is quite wonderful!
