Resident Remarks

I feel coming into the world the cards were stacked against me. Being born the third child of a young 20-year-old single mother living in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods of Southside Chicago (Roseland), my chances of success or even survival were slim. I became accustomed to violence, drug use, gang activity, and criminal activity at a young age. By age 24 I had been arrested or jailed 21 times, which managed to land me in the Missouri Department of Corrections for 18 months. As my release date was getting near I started looking for housing and I heard of In2Action through some people I was in treatment with. I sent my application in and received the guidelines and rules, my first thoughts were “so many rules”. I thought and prayed on my options and I kept being pointed back to In2Action. I knew going back to Chicago would have not been a good choice. I had a ” chameleon” survival method at the time, I am very good at blending in with my environment. Put me around the color blue I turn blue, leave me with wolves I turn into a wolf, if I’m around trouble I become part of it. The environment I needed was one that would nurture my spirituality.

When I arrived at In2Action I knew it was something good. The first couple of days the residents went out of their way to welcome me into the house. The first morning wasn’t so tough since I was used to waking up early and sticking to a strict schedule after leaving a Gateway Treatment Program. I was just happy to not be fenced in. We residents have a saying that you can come to In2Action and accidentally change your life. I was that accident! I had faith but not a strong faith. Giving my life to God changed me fully.

I enrolled in a trade program at Job Point and found another group of people that wanted to succeed and be better. After 20 weeks of study, determination, and a 4.5-mile daily walk, I walked across a stage, received a diploma in one hand and shook the hand of the V.P. of Job Point with the other. My first ever graduation! – and that’s only the second thing I’m most proud of since coming to In2Action. First is being 6+ months sober after 15 years of drug addiction. I plan on turning those months of sobriety into decades, furthering my education, and being the father I never had to my beautiful 8-year-old daughter. I recommend that anyone who wants to find the way to be a successful member of society come to In2Action, they know the answer. *Spoiler Alert!* It’s putting God first. We are a family of God-fearing, God worshiping, God first men.